Cake Improvers

What is Acti?

ACTI is the brand name for a large range of cake improvers based on enzyme technology, allowing you to enhance a single functionality of the batter or cake. Enzymes are present in the nature like plants & living organisms. They are reproduced at Puratos to improve the quality of your cakes in a clean(er) label approach. 

ACTI can be used in your existing recipes for a wide range of patisserie products, such as snack cakes, loaf cakes, layer cakes, sponge cakes, muffins, brownies and more!

Improve quality & grow your profitability, Acti brings you:

  • Increased sales through improved quality and differentiated cakes.
  • Increased efficiency thanks to faster product development, easy implementation and greater flexibility. 

Discover our range of Acti solutions:

Acti Fresh

Acti Fresh

A texture improvement technology that helps to improve the shelf life and texture from day 1 with opportunities to extend shelf life.

Acti Fat

Acti Fat

Reduces vegetable fat in your cake and patisserie recipes by up to 30%, allowing to create fat reduction claims and improve the nutritional profile of finished goods.

Acti Sugar

Acti Sugar

Reduce up to 35% of sugar in your patisserie recipes to create a sugar reduction claim, whilst retaining great texture, volume and taste in your finished goods.

Acti Egg

Acti Egg

Enables reduction of 15% of egg in the cake recipe, reducing cost and improving the sustainability of finished goods.

Looking for more information? Get in touch: