Rustic Baguette with Softgrain 5 - Taste Tomorrow 2024



  • Add the grains 3 mins before the end of mixing cycle. Keep 5% of the water for bassinage. 
  • Mix for 6 mins slow and 8 mins fast.
  • Temperature of the dough after mixing should be around 25C.
  • Bulk ferment for 45 minutes.
  • Divide in 350 gram pieces. 
  • Shape into balls, then into ovals. 
  • Intermediate Proof 20 minutes. 
  • Make up into baguettes.  
  • Brush with sunset glaze and roll the baguettes in Graindesign Confetti. Place the baguettes in baguette couches with the seal down.  
  • Final ferment for 1 hour at 26C and 80% humidity. 
  • Tip the baguettes on oven loader. 
  • Three diagonal scores
  • This is a slightly part bake product, keep the steam and make sure core temperature is above 96C. To be refreshed before serving. 
  • Bake in deck oven 240C bottom and 240 top.

About this recipe

A rustic bread ,ade with O’Tentic origin and softgrain 5CL. The dough contains 10% of wholemeal flour for enhanced “Rusticity”.


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