The Pinsel - Taste Tomorrow 2024



  • Place all ingredients into the spiral mixing bowl.
  • Mix for 10 mins slow and 8 mins fast.
  • Temperature of the dough after mixing should be around 27C.
  • Bulk ferment for 5 minutes.
  • Divide into 95grams. 
  • Mould as balls, rest 5min, then elongate the balls into a sausage shape, rest for 5min and mould into Bagel shape
  • Mould in steps to loose as little gas possible. Make sure to cover the products with a plastic sheet between each step. Place the bagels on a perforated tray with parchment and cold proof overnight at 8-10C. 
  • Intermediate Proof 18 minutes. 
  • Let the bagels recover to ambient temperature for 30 mins.
  • Final ferment for 2 hours at 30C and 80% humidity. 
  • Previously soak some rosemary or oregano in olive oil to brush the bagels with before baking. 
  • Bake at 230C top for 12 minutes. 
  • Sprinkle with sea salt when out of oven. 

About this recipe  

The fusion of a Pinsa dough made with our O’Tentic Pinsa 100% pre-mix into the shape of a Bagel. The Pinsa is growing in popularity due to it’s high digestibility attributes and its light texture. This application gives the consumer the chances to make a different eating experience by using a product usually “topped” as one of people favourite sandwich carrier: The Bagel!


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