Add dry ingredient to spiral mixing bowl then add water.
Mix on slow for 2 minutes, then mix fast for 4-6 minutes depending on mixer type.
Final dough temperature should be 23-25˚C.
Dough should be stiff but developed and resilient and add fruit (carrot or beetroot) mix on slow speed until evenly dispersed throughout the dough.
Scale at 100-110g, mould into rounds land leave to rest 5 mins to relax.
Roll into elongated sausage shape and join to form a bagel shape.
Prove at 36˚C 60 minutes +/- 10 80% RH.
Retard chill at 4 ˚C 80% RH 60 minutes.
Two options for baking:
Option 1 (assuming a boiler is available)
Boil at 90˚C for 40 seconds, then bake at 240-250 for 9-12 minutes.
Option 2 Using Revent style oven.
Add steam for 40 seconds.
Bake at 240-250˚C for 9 -12 minutes
Final bagels should have a great shine with a crispy and chewy crust.
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