Oaty Appley Overnight Sourdough Baguette


Working Method

Mixing spiral: 8 min in first speed and 10 min in second speed. Keep 5% of the water for  bassinage. Add the Utterly Fruity Apple and the Sproutgrain Oat 2 mins before the end of mixing. 

Dough temperature: 26°C

Bulk fermentation: 2 hours at ambient temperature.

Scaling: Divide the dough into 350 g pieces.

Intermediate proofing: Let the pieces proof for 10 min at ambient temperature.

Make Up: Shape into baguettes +/- 58cm long.

Final fermentation: Overnight at 4°C. In the morning, gently recover the baguette up to 29°C and 80% humidity until fully fermented (approx. 60-70 mins

Decoration before baking: Dust with semolina flour and score.

First baking: Deck oven. 13 min at 240°C with 200 ml of steam.

Second baking: Econo oven. 8 min at 220°C with 120 ml of steam.

*This calculation was made on GF Impact, using the Product Environmental Footprint methodology (study conducted in 2024, secondary and primary data (flour)). Based on general assumptions and may vary. Actual emissions can differ due to changes, such as sourcing, manufacturing process, or transportation methods. 

Oaty Appley Overnight Sourdough Baguette

Discover our Oaty Appley Overnight Sourdough Baguettes! Explore the Puratos’ sourdough baguette recipe for a deep, unique, and traditional taste while boosting nutrition by incorporating Sproutgrain. The Utterly Fruity Apple cubes add a fresh taste of apple throughout.


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