Creating the perfect trifle, ensuring that each layer is perfect in taste and texture, can be a challenge for professional bakers and pâtissiers. From achieving the soft spongy cake texture easily absorbed by alcohol, to making a consistent custard every time, there are many elements of the trifle which need to be balanced.
Whether you're crafting a classic berry trifle, experimenting with different flavour fruit fillings, or seeking healthier and more sustainable options, our expertise and commitment to excellence make us the trusted partner for your patisserie needs. With our fruit fillings, create a trifle that is a true reflection of the taste of nature.
Join us as we explore the diverse world of Trifles, from timeless recipes that are loved nationwide to modern re-inventions, such as a Trifle Loaf cake, that meet the latest consumer trends. Whether you are looking to create trifles that can be consumed in on the go jars, or served in the traditional way, we have a solution for you.
At Puratos, we understand these challenges and are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality ingredients and innovative solutions to elevate your layered desserts.
Did you know that Trifles originally existed without cake? The early version simply contained thick cream flavoured with sugar, ginger and rosewater; very different from what we have come to know and love today!
Most sources agree that the trifle dates back to the 16th century, when it was referenced in Thomas Dawson's 1585 book, The Good Huswifes Jewell.
Throughout the years, the trifle has evolved from a cream to the popular layered dessert that has become a classic staple, and now contains three or more layers. By the 18th century, alcohol-soaked sponge cake was included, influenced by the Italian dessert "zuppa inglese", translating to 'English soup', which also features cake and custard.
More flavours and textures were explored with the addition of gelatine in the mid-18th century, first referenced in Hannah Glasse's The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy, where jelly was part of 'A grand trifle' recipe. The trifle is now enjoyed with the addition of fruit, allowing for vibrant, seasonal flavours and unique textures.
A quintessentially British dessert, World Trifle Day is celebrated on the 18th April - will you be recreating a classic or innovative version to celebrate?
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