Lemon Meringue Brioche - Taste Tomorrow 2024



  • Mix together filling ingredients to a paste and set aside until needed.
  • Add brioche dough ingredients to mixing bowl.
  • Mix for 4 mins 1st speed, 8 mins second. 
  • Dough termperature at 26C. 
  • Bulk ferment for 5 minutes. 
  • Roll out dough to 4mm rectangle. 
  • Spread filling paste homogeneously, and roll up dough.
  • Cut the roll into 3.5cm thick rounds and place in a large muffin baking tray.
  • Final ferment for 1 hour 5 minutes at 32C fermentation at 80% humidity. 
  • Pipe a circle of Deli citron in the middle of each swirl. Spray with sunset glaze.
  • Bake in rack oven 190C. 
  • When cooled, pipe Ovablanca in swirl and blow torch.

About this recipe

This product was designed with our “sourness” trend spotted in Taste Tomorrow. Sapore Eleanor brings acidity to the enriched dough to complement the tangy filling which is hydrated with Kefir. The smoobees act as micro - “sour bombs”. The ovablanco topping gives a “gourmet” visual to swirl.


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